The DSM: A Mad Attempt to Classify Madness

The Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) is a large book, in five editions, that you will likely find in every shrink’s office. It has every kind of mental illness recognized by the American Psychiatric Association defined, classified, and numbered; all 157 of them. Your therapist will refer to it daily, not because it unlocks the doorContinue reading “The DSM: A Mad Attempt to Classify Madness”

Fresh Brewed by Keith R Wilson

There are two things I’d like to introduce. The first is my newsletter, Fresh Brewed, where I can keep you informed of everything coming out of my laptop. The second is my new novel, Who Killed the Lisping Barista of the Epiphany Café?, a murder mystery investigating the mysteries of life. I’ll be releasing thisContinue reading “Fresh Brewed by Keith R Wilson”

What my Tennis Coach Taught Me about Change

How can reading a blog help you change? It can’t. You can’t learn to play tennis by reading, either. You’ve got to play. I took tennis lessons once. The coach asked me to show him my serve. I hit a few. I looked over and saw him shake his head. “We have a lot ofContinue reading “What my Tennis Coach Taught Me about Change”


If you have ever been to a sawmill like the one I used to run, you have seen one of the most fearsome objects you are ever likely to meet: a saw blade at least three feet in diameter with teeth as big as a tiger’s whirring loudly just a couple feet from the operator.Continue reading “Freedom”

Evidence-Based Therapy

In the peculiar land of shrinks, evidence-based therapy is a phrase we use a lot. It’s supposed to refer to therapy that’s backed by scientific evidence. But what they call evidence-based therapy is not evidence-based therapy. It’s a term for a standardized, manualized, commoditized therapy protocol. It’s not necessarily the best therapy for you.Continue readingContinue reading “Evidence-Based Therapy”

Why I Don’t Specialize in Anything

As a therapist, I could’ve had a specialty; but I wouldn’t be the kind of therapist I am. I did some post grad work in family therapy and some more in substance abuse. I sought for ways to address the desire my clients had to quit using tobacco back in the days when few othersContinue reading “Why I Don’t Specialize in Anything”