Looking at the Flip Side

If you’ve been hurt by the one you love, don’t forget to look at the flip side. That’s the other side of the coin, the positives, the reason you have been with the person in the first place. It’s only fair, but don’t do it because it’s fair.  Do it because the flip side saysContinue reading “Looking at the Flip Side”

The Shrink’s Links: Sabbatical of the Mind

Bringing you the best of mental health every week. Six years from retirement, working for a three-letter government agency, David L. Winters suddenly quit his job so he could devote some time to getting a handle on his anxiety, his over-eating, and to deepen his faith. Winters relied on medication to manage nearly disabling panicContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: Sabbatical of the Mind”

The Road to Reconciliation: The Journey, Restated

I’ve been at this series for quite a while, describing the road to reconciliation. These posts are an early draft of what I expect to be my next book. You have the privilege of getting it first; but, sometimes, as I write, need to go back and revise. That’s the case this time. I hadContinue reading “The Road to Reconciliation: The Journey, Restated”

The Shrink’s Links: A Labor Day Manifesto

Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay. Want more of everything ready-made. Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die. And you will have a window in your head. Not even your future will be a mystery any more. Your mind will be punched inContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: A Labor Day Manifesto”

The Road to Reconciliation: Learn to Walk

Stand with your feet comfortably together. If you want to go somewhere, what do you do? You take one foot and put it forward until you throw yourself off balance. Then, at the last instant, when you’re about to fall on your face, you bring the other foot up to meet it, until you areContinue reading “The Road to Reconciliation: Learn to Walk”