How to Help a Person Grow

A therapist not trained in Person-Centered Therapy is like a musician who never learned his scales, basic skills for his profession. But, going to a therapist who only practices Person-Centered Therapy is like listening to a musician practicing scales. It gets pretty tedious and you wonder if it’ll ever go anywhere. Carl Rogers, who developedContinue reading “How to Help a Person Grow”

Why I Don’t Specialize in Anything

As a therapist, I could’ve had a specialty; but I wouldn’t be the kind of therapist I am. I did some post grad work in family therapy and some more in substance abuse. I sought for ways to address the desire my clients had to quit using tobacco back in the days when few othersContinue reading “Why I Don’t Specialize in Anything”

Announcing My New Substack

Announcing My New Substack I’m Keith Wilson, a psychotherapist in private practice and writer of novels, short stories, poems, self help books, and hundreds of articles focused on mental health, relationships, philosophy, and the practice of psychotherapy. I’m awed by everything a psychology of depth, insight and relationship has to offer and want to share itContinue reading “Announcing My New Substack”

While You’ve Been Collecting Tokens at Your Meeting, Your Addiction Has Been Doing Pushups in the Dark

While You’ve Been Collecting Tokens at Your Meeting, Your Addiction Has Been Pumping Iron in the Parking Lot So, you’ve stopped drinking or drugging. The addiction seems to have gone away. Has it, really? Addiction takes cover sometimes when it feels threatened. It’ll hide in the bushes and come roaring out when you least suspect it.Continue reading “While You’ve Been Collecting Tokens at Your Meeting, Your Addiction Has Been Doing Pushups in the Dark”

Getting the Love You What

Getting the Love You What: The Theory and Method of Imago Therapy If you need to heal your relationship, you might see a marriage counselor trained, as I have been, in Imago Therapy. There aren’t as many as there were twenty years ago, in its brief hey-day, but they’re still around. Mostly, therapists use theirContinue reading “Getting the Love You What”

The Shrink’s Links: Journaling

Writing a journal has been a big part of my own life ever since I began to examine the inside of my head. I’ve used it to express how I felt when I couldn’t express it anywhere else. It’s been a way I can pin down rushing thoughts and wayward feelings. I’ve sorted through choicesContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: Journaling”

What keeps you addicted

What Keeps You Addicted Chemistry First there’s the chemical. That calm feeling you get from Percocet is just too good to give up. The sickness you feel when you are in withdrawal is just too bad to bear. Genes get rewritten when you use cocaine often enough, so that nothing but cocaine can make you happy.Continue reading “What keeps you addicted”