
I lot of people mistake venting for therapy. They think that if they can say what’s on their mind, they’ll feel better and get that problem off their chest. They will, up to a point. If you have something you’re trying to figure out, or something you need to be honest about, then vent away.Continue reading “Venting”

Burdens and the Peddlers That Traffic in Them

If the inside of my own head is any indication, we all carry psychological burdens. If that’s not bad enough, we try to trade one burden for another and end up carrying them both. I got one of my burdens when I was about eight years old, riding the school bus. No one would sitContinue reading “Burdens and the Peddlers That Traffic in Them”

It’s Not How Much You Use, It’s What Happens When You Use

Some Things You Might Not Know About Addiction Grandma doesn’t drink much. She only has a glass of champagne every New Year’s Eve. But, boy, oh, boy, you should see what happens then. Last New Year’s she danced on the kitchen table, fell, and broke her hip. The year before, she stripped off all herContinue reading “It’s Not How Much You Use, It’s What Happens When You Use”