The Shrink’s Links: Video Explaining Projection

Bringing you the best of mental health and relationship articles on the internet. Today’s link from the shrink is: If you read my last posts in the relationship series, attempting to explain projection and projective identification, and are still confused, then maybe this will help. Click here to go to the link

Relationships, Part 17: Sexual Boredom

If there ever was a good place for wantonness, it would be in marriage, yet I hear time and time again about how boring marital sex can be. You’re supposed to be able to be yourself with your partner and free to take risks to try something new. He’s in bed with you when youContinue reading “Relationships, Part 17: Sexual Boredom”

The Shrink’s Links: Cure Together

Bringing you the best of mental health and relationship articles on the internet. Today’s link from the shrink is: Cure Together Here’s an interesting idea. Get a bunch of people together that have the same condition and have them report on what actually works to treat it. Are you depressed? Exercise, adequate sleep, and talkContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: Cure Together”

Relationships, Part 16: Desire and Power

Whomever has more desire has less power. This is the case no matter what you desire. If you go to a used car lot and find a car you desire, the moment you communicate that desire to the salesman, the price goes up. Whoever holds the object of desire gets to set the terms. WeContinue reading “Relationships, Part 16: Desire and Power”

A New Development: The After Visit Summary

The latest good idea I’ve had about counseling I got from visiting my allergist. I have allergies. If you ever sat with me in a counseling session and I had tears in my eyes, it might have been due to what you were saying; sometimes I am deeply moved. But probably my allergies were responsible.Continue reading “A New Development: The After Visit Summary”

Relationships, Part 15: When you Need Your Space, the Hat Method

Some days, you just need your space. The trouble is, your partner is there, too, and if you try to get some space, they may take it personally. You don’t want to get into a long discussion over why you need your space when you need your space. It may not be good to getContinue reading “Relationships, Part 15: When you Need Your Space, the Hat Method”

The Shrink’s Links: The Gervais Principle

Bringing you the best of mental health and relationship articles on the internet. Today’s link from the shrink is: The Gervais Principle, Or The Office According to “The Office” This post, and a few that follow, offers the deepest and richest explanation of organizational behavior that I’ve seen. Click here to go to the link