Where to Find Your Subpersonalities

Part II of Subpersonalities: The People Inside Us Where do we get the idea that there are subpersonalities inside us? We’ve always seemed to have it. Primitive cultures have been fascinated with altered states of consciousness and spirit possession. They are the stock in trade for shamans. Ancient people seem to have conceived of subpersonalitiesContinue reading Where to Find Your Subpersonalities

What Do I Do with the People Inside My Head?

Part I of Subpersonalities: The People Inside Us It’s not uncommon to feel that there is more than just you inside your head. There seems to be a board of directors, at best, or a squabbling family, a mutinous crew, or a polarized congress up there, at worse. You may feel that someone sort ofContinue reading “What Do I Do with the People Inside My Head?”

Even If You’re Not Ready to Quit, You Can Get Ready to Quit

Get some paper and a pen. Put it by the substance you are thinking of quitting. Even if you are not ready to quit yet, do this one, little thing. Before you use the substance, mark on your paper the time and the date. Write a line or two about why you’re choosing to useContinue reading “Even If You’re Not Ready to Quit, You Can Get Ready to Quit”

Help is Closer Than You Think

Some Things You May Not Know About Substance Abuse, part 4 It is a whole lot easier to get substances that will addict you than it is to get into treatment for addiction. In many localities, there are drug dealers at every corner, but to get to a clinic, you have to take two buses.Continue reading “Help is Closer Than You Think”

Drugs Turn You Into an Addict, Then You Turn Everything Into a Drug

Some Things You May Not Know About Substance Abuse, part 3 If you are addicted, even if you stop using the substance that changed you, you will look for other things (other substances, sex, shopping, relationships, rage, work, gambling, exercising, making deals, etc) to gratify you in the same way. This is called switching addictions.Continue reading “Drugs Turn You Into an Addict, Then You Turn Everything Into a Drug”