The Beauty and the Beast

You’ve seen Disney’s version of the Beauty and the Beast. If you’ve had a toddler, you’ve seen it a thousand times. Did you know that you may be acting it out in your own life? Do you realize it might be ruining everything? You know the story: a charming young woman falls in love withContinue reading “The Beauty and the Beast”

Relationship Badass Podcast

If you’d like to hear me go on and on about reconciliation, I was interviewed by Nicki Sunshine on the Relationship Badass Podcast. Here is the episode on Soundcloud: Stitcher: It is also available on Apple Podcasts under Relationship Badass Podcast

Ride the Ego Balloon

You may be amused, instructed, affirmed, chastened, enriched, or enlightened by my latest video. The ego is a good tool if you understand its uses and limitations. The ego balloon can make you crazy, but it’s often a good crazy, a necessary madness, provided you can land the thing when it needs to come down.