What Color Are Your Glasses?

You know what rose colored glasses are, right? People who are said to be wearing rose colored glasses are said to be seeing the world as only pleasant and happy. We scoff at people wearing rose colored glasses. They are naive, sanguine, and overly optimistic. But, glasses come in all colors. They all distort yourContinue reading “What Color Are Your Glasses?”

How I Made Peace With My Inner Critic

And saw him for who he really is As a writer and a shrink, I’m intimately familiar with the inner critic, both my own and others’. You might expect us to be natural enemies. Most of my clients come to me complaining about their inner critics and asking me to silence them. If only theyContinue reading “How I Made Peace With My Inner Critic”

Wrangling the Parts of Your Mind

How Internal Family Systems Therapy Can Help You are divided. You must have noticed this when you’re trying to decide whether to have that chocolate cake, or stick to your diet; when you rise, groaning from your bed, despite how comfortable that pillow looks; when you want to tell your boss to shove it, butContinue reading “Wrangling the Parts of Your Mind”