If You’re Addicted, Staying Clean is Not Enough

Relationships Must Be Restored If all you do is abstain from your drug, you’ve got a good start; but it’s just a start. There’s lots of repair and rebuilding yet to do if you want to earn all the rewards of your recovery and prevent relapse from happening again.

The Addict’s Family Needs as Much Help as the Addict

The Addict’s Family Needs as Much Help as the Addict Even if you’ve never done anything addictive in your life, if you love a person with an addiction, addiction is your problem, too. When an addiction takes over a person, it takes over a relationship. The people in the relationship disappear and the needs ofContinue reading “The Addict’s Family Needs as Much Help as the Addict”

Sorry, But Your Ex Is Probably Not a Narcissist

Sorry, But Your Ex Is Probably Not a Narcissist The Hazards of Self-Help In 1969, George Miller, the president of the American Psychological Association urged psychologists to “give psychology away”. There were too many problems and too few psychologists for them to hoard their knowledge. Instead, psychology should be popularized and spread to the public,Continue reading “Sorry, But Your Ex Is Probably Not a Narcissist”

A Lazy Writer Tries Chat GPT

I don’t often feel lazy; but when I do, it’s enough to throw me into despair and self-reproach. I come from solid Puritan stock, you see, for whom idleness is akin to damnation. I was feeling damn lazy but, nonetheless, sat myself down and committed myself to writing like I do every day. I couldContinue reading “A Lazy Writer Tries Chat GPT”