Addiction is Not Satisfied With Just Screwing You Up

Some Things You May Not Know About Substance Abuse, part 2 Once addiction has got a good hold on you, it doesn’t stop there; it looks for others it can infect with madness. In you, it has established a home base from which it can make forays into others, as if its whole purpose isContinue reading “Addiction is Not Satisfied With Just Screwing You Up”

Soft Drugs Are More Addicting Than Hard Drugs

Most people divide substances into two categories: the hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, and crystal meth, and the soft drugs like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and prescribed narcotics. Hard drugs are all illegal in the US, they are sold exclusively by underworld organizations, they are associated with the down and out, are socially unacceptable for mostContinue reading “Soft Drugs Are More Addicting Than Hard Drugs”

Why You Don’t Take Care of Yourself

You care for yourself. You care whether you live or die. You want to prosper, thrive, and flourish. You have sympathy for your point of view. You defend yourself from those who would malign you. You are your own main guy, without whom, you’d be sunk. You may not be the center of the universe,Continue reading “Why You Don’t Take Care of Yourself”