The Shrink’s Links: Secular Organizations for Sobriety

Bringing you the best of mental health every week. If you like the idea of a self help group to assist you in your recovery from chemical use, but think AA and it’s kin talk about God too much, there is another choice: Secular Organizations for Sobriety, otherwise known as SaveOurSelves. It’s AA without theContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: Secular Organizations for Sobriety”

What if relationships were like Calvinball?

If the traditional forms of relationship are not working for you, and you need a role model; you don’t need to go far to find one. You only need to read some old funny pages. There you will find a perfect trusting relationship illustrated in Calvin and Hobbes. Calvin and Hobbes is a wonderful comicContinue reading “What if relationships were like Calvinball?”

The Shrink’s Links: The Night of the Gun

Bringing you the best of mental health every week. Cultural commentator, David Carr, of the New York Times, died recently. He was a recovering cocaine addict. Fourteen years after he stopped using, he decided to write a book about his addiction. Being the journalist he was, he did not write it the usual way, asContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: The Night of the Gun”

A New Lease on your Relationship: Money

No relationship can go on for long before the couple has to work out what to do about money. Even at the dating stage there’s that awkward moment when you first fight over the check at the restaurant. Couples didn’t use to fight over the check, the man always paid; but now the woman isContinue reading “A New Lease on your Relationship: Money”

The Shrink’s Links: The Evil Hours

We are born in debt, owing the world a death. This is the shadow that darkens every cradle. Trauma is what happens when you catch a surprise glimpse of that darkness, the coming annihilation not only of the body and the mind, but also, seemingly, of the world. So says David Morris, author of TheContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: The Evil Hours”

A New Lease on your Relationship: Space

Here’s a surprising bit of science: studies show that married couples who live apart have the same levels of satisfaction as those who live together. Here’s another: it’s a growing trend; especially, it seems, in Britain, where ten percent of married couples have separate addresses. It’s somewhere between six and nine percent in the US.Continue reading “A New Lease on your Relationship: Space”

The Shrink’s Links: Dylan Mariah

Bringing you the best of mental health every week. This week’s link from the shrink is the website of a colleague, Dylan Mariah. I first met Dylan when we both worked together at a community mental health center. She is one who understands what is really important. Today, she, too, has a private practice andContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: Dylan Mariah”

A New Lease on your Relationship: Duration

While you’re taking an honest look at your relationship, take an honest look at this. How long are you planning for it to last? When most people let a partner into their life they assume it’s for life. One of the best things about love relationships can be their longevity. You’re sick of the wholeContinue reading “A New Lease on your Relationship: Duration”