The Shrink’s Links: Experimental Theology

Bringing you the best of mental health and relationship articles on the internet. Today’s link from the shrink is: Experimental Theology: A Meditation on Mental Illness and Metaphor I have been a big fan of Richard Beck’s blog for a long time and there may be hundreds of posts he’s made that I could recommend. But, ifContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: Experimental Theology”

“Do you take my insurance?”

This is the most frequently asked question when people make their first phone call to set up an appointment to see me for counseling. It seems like a simple question, but it’s not. When you ask if I “take” your insurance, I suspect you’re asking whether I am a member of your insurance company’s networkContinue reading ““Do you take my insurance?””

I’m Teaching a Class: Relationships

Wednesday, August 28th | 7:00-9:00pm | Why Relationships Go Bad and What You Can Do About It When conflicts arise, many couples wonder if they really belong together. Don’t be discouraged, it’s never too late to create the loving relationship you want. What’s usually missing is information and skills not acquired in everyday life. OnceContinue reading “I’m Teaching a Class: Relationships”

The Shrink’s Links: Joy Whack-a-Mole

Bringing you the best of mental health and relationship articles on the internet. Today’s link from the shrink is: Joy Whack-a-Mole   Deal with good news swiftly and efficiently by playing Joy Whack-a-Mole with your friends and family. In this clip, Maria Bamford, shows you how it’s done. There is even a solitaire version forContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: Joy Whack-a-Mole”

The Shrink’s Links: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Bringing you the best of mental health and relationship articles on the internet. Today’s link from the shrink is: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse It is possible to predict the long-term success or failure of a relationship with 94% accuracy by watching the first three minutes of a couple having a discussion about aContinue reading “The Shrink’s Links: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”